How to Grow Broccoli in Australia

Broccoli, with its vibrant green florets and numerous health benefits, is a vegetable that has grown in popularity among health-conscious individuals. While it is readily available at grocery stores and farmers' markets, there is something incredibly rewarding about growing your own broccoli at home.

Quick Guide: Growing Broccoli in Australia

  • Optimal Growing Temperatures: Between 7°C and 30°C.
  • Ready to Harvest: 10-16 weeks after planting.
  • Space Between Plants: Plant spacing of 35 - 50 cm apart.
  • Companion Plants: Beans, Beets, Cucumber.
  • Plants to Avoid: Beans, Tomato, Strawberry.
  • Plant Type: Seed.

When to Plant Broccoli in Australia

Australia Map


Best planting months for Broccoli in the Tropical regions are April, May, June, and July. This includes areas like Cairns, Darwin, and Broome.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


For the Subtropical region, Broccoli can be planted from March to May and again in September and October. Cities in the Subtropical region include Brisbane, Central Coast, and Sydney.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


Broccoli can be planted year round in the Temperate regions of Australia, with best months being January, February, March, April, August, September, October, November, and December. Cities in the Temperate region include Melbourne, Adelaide, Geelong, and Perth.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


For the Cool region, Broccoli can be planted from January to February and August to December. Cities in the Cool region include alpine regions of Victoria and Tasmania.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


Best planting months for Broccoli in the Arid region is February to July.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


Benefits of Growing Broccoli

Nutritional Value

Growing broccoli at home offers a multitude of benefits, one of which is its exceptional nutritional value. Broccoli is a powerhouse of essential vitamins and minerals that are crucial for maintaining good health. Packed with vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, and dietary fibre, this green vegetable provides a significant boost to your immune system and promotes healthy digestion.

Not only is broccoli a rich source of vitamins and minerals, but it is also low in calories, making it an ideal choice for those who are conscious about their weight or looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Its high fibre content helps you feel fuller for longer, reducing the temptation to indulge in unhealthy snacks.

Moreover, broccoli is an excellent source of antioxidants, which help protect your cells from damage caused by harmful free radicals. These antioxidants have been linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease and certain types of cancer.

Cost Savings

Another advantage of growing broccoli in your own garden is the potential for significant cost savings. By cultivating broccoli at home, you can save money that would otherwise be spent on purchasing it from the grocery store. The price of fresh produce can fluctuate, and growing your own ensures a consistent supply of this nutritious vegetable without breaking the bank.

Furthermore, the cost savings extend beyond the price of the vegetable itself. When you grow your own broccoli, you eliminate the need for transportation, packaging, and other associated costs, which are typically added to the retail price. This not only saves you money but also reduces your carbon footprint, contributing to a more sustainable lifestyle.

Control over Pesticide Use

One of the most compelling reasons to grow your own broccoli is the control it gives you over pesticide use. Commercially grown vegetables often undergo extensive pesticide treatments to protect them from pests and diseases, which can leave behind harmful residues. By growing your own broccoli, you have the power to choose organic or natural pest control methods, reducing your exposure to potentially harmful chemicals.

Organic gardening practices, such as companion planting and using natural pest repellents, allow you to protect your broccoli plants without compromising the health of your family or the environment. You can rest assured knowing that the broccoli you harvest from your own garden is free from harmful pesticides and chemicals.

In conclusion, growing broccoli at home offers numerous benefits, including its exceptional nutritional value, cost savings, and control over pesticide use. By incorporating this versatile vegetable into your garden, you not only enhance your overall well-being but also contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle. So why wait? Start planting your broccoli seeds and enjoy the bountiful rewards of homegrown produce.

Preparing Your Garden

Before you embark on your journey to grow delicious and nutritious broccoli in your home garden, it is essential to prepare your garden properly. This will set the stage for successful growth and yield bountiful harvests. In this section, we will explore three crucial aspects of preparing your garden: choosing the right location, soil preparation, and timing your planting.

Choosing the Right Location

Selecting an ideal location for your broccoli plants is vital to their overall health and productivity. Broccoli thrives in full sun, so it is important to choose a spot in your garden that receives at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day. This will ensure that your plants receive an ample amount of sunlight to produce those beautiful, vibrant florets.

Additionally, consider the size and spacing requirements of your chosen broccoli varieties. Some varieties require more space to grow, while others can be planted closer together. Take into account the eventual size of the plants and plan accordingly to prevent overcrowding.

Soil Preparation

Next, let's talk about the foundation of your garden: the soil. Broccoli plants prefer well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. Begin by removing any weeds or debris from the area where you plan to plant your broccoli. This will help prevent competition for nutrients and create a clean, healthy environment for your plants.

To improve the quality of your soil, amend it with organic matter such as compost or well-rotted manure. This will enrich the soil, providing essential nutrients and enhancing its ability to retain moisture. Incorporate the organic matter into the top few inches of soil using a garden fork or tiller. This will ensure that the nutrients are evenly distributed and readily available to your growing broccoli plants.

Timing Your Planting

Timing is crucial when it comes to planting broccoli. Broccoli is a cool-season crop, meaning it thrives in cooler temperatures. It is important to plant your broccoli in the right season to maximise its growth and yield.

In most regions, broccoli can be planted either in the spring or fall. Spring plantings are typically done 4 to 6 weeks before the last frost date, while fall plantings are done 85 to 100 days before the first fall frost. Be sure to check the specific recommendations for your region to determine the best time to plant your broccoli.

Keep in mind that broccoli plants are sensitive to extreme heat. If you live in an area with hot summers, consider providing some shade or using row covers to protect your plants from the scorching sun. This will help prevent wilting and ensure the health and vitality of your broccoli crop.

By carefully considering these three key aspects of preparing your garden, you are well on your way to creating the perfect environment for your broccoli to thrive. In the next section, we will delve into the exciting process of selecting and planting your broccoli varieties. Stay tuned!

Recommended Broccoli Varieties


Days to Maturity




Heat-tolerant and produces uniform heads

Green Magic


Compact plants with dense heads



Resistant to heat and cold

Purple Sprouting


Produces small, purple florets for extended harvest

Please note that the days to maturity can vary depending on growing conditions and climate.

Selecting and Planting Broccoli

When it comes to selecting and planting broccoli, there are a few key considerations that can greatly impact the success of your home garden. By choosing the right broccoli varieties, starting seeds indoors, and transplanting seedlings with care, you'll set yourself up for a bountiful harvest of this nutritious and delicious vegetable.

Choosing the Right Broccoli Varieties

The first step in selecting broccoli varieties is to consider your climate and growing conditions. Broccoli comes in different types, each with its own characteristics and adaptability. Some varieties, such as 'Belstar' and 'Green Magic', thrive in cooler climates and can withstand light frosts. Others, like 'Marathon' and 'Packman', are known for their heat tolerance and are better suited for warmer regions.

Additionally, you may want to consider the size and shape of the broccoli heads you prefer. Some varieties produce large, dense heads, while others offer smaller, more loosely packed florets. 'Calabrese' and 'Waltham 29' are popular choices for their traditional, compact heads, while 'Romanesco' stands out with its unique fractal-like appearance.

When making your selection, be sure to read the seed packets or consult with local nurseries to ensure you choose varieties that are well-suited to your specific growing conditions.

Starting Broccoli Seeds Indoors

To get a head start on the growing season, many home gardeners opt to start their broccoli seeds indoors. This method allows for better control over the germination process and helps establish strong, healthy seedlings.

Begin by filling seed trays or small pots with a high-quality, well-draining seed-starting mix. Moisten the mix before sowing the seeds, which should be planted at a depth of about ¼ inch. Keep the soil consistently moist, but not waterlogged, and place the trays or pots in a warm location with ample sunlight or under grow lights.

As the seedlings emerge, thin them out to ensure proper spacing and promote healthy growth. Once the seedlings have developed a few sets of true leaves and the danger of frost has passed, they will be ready for transplanting.

Transplanting Broccoli Seedlings

Before transplanting your broccoli seedlings, it's important to prepare your garden by choosing the right location and ensuring the soil is in optimal condition.

Select a spot in your garden that receives full sun for at least six hours a day. Broccoli thrives in well-drained soil rich in organic matter, so amend the soil with compost or well-rotted manure before planting. It's also beneficial to conduct a soil test to determine if any additional amendments, such as lime or sulphur, are needed to adjust the pH level.

When the soil is ready, gently remove the seedlings from their trays or pots, being careful not to damage the delicate roots. Dig a hole slightly larger than the root ball and place the seedling in the hole, ensuring that the top of the root ball is level with the soil surface. Space the seedlings about 18 to 24 inches apart to allow for proper air circulation and growth.

After planting, water the seedlings thoroughly, making sure the soil is evenly moist. Apply a layer of organic mulch, such as straw or shredded leaves, to help conserve moisture and suppress weed growth.

With the right selection of broccoli varieties, proper seed starting techniques, and careful transplanting, you'll be well on your way to a successful broccoli harvest. In the next section, we'll explore the essential steps for caring for your broccoli plants to ensure their health and productivity.

Continue reading: Caring for Your Broccoli Plants

Caring for Your Broccoli Plants

Once you've successfully planted your broccoli seedlings, it's crucial to provide them with the care they need to thrive. Caring for your broccoli plants involves several essential tasks, including watering, fertilising, mulching, and pest and disease control. By implementing these practices, you'll ensure that your broccoli plants remain healthy and productive throughout their growing season.


Watering is a critical aspect of caring for your broccoli plants, as they require consistent moisture to grow properly. Broccoli plants are relatively thirsty, so it's important to keep the soil consistently moist, but not overly saturated. Consistent watering is especially crucial during the hot summer months when the soil tends to dry out more quickly. Deep watering is recommended to encourage the development of strong roots. To gauge whether your plants need watering, insert your finger into the soil up to the first knuckle. If it feels dry at that depth, it's time to water.


To support the growth and development of your broccoli plants, fertilising is essential. A well-balanced fertiliser rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium will provide the necessary nutrients for healthy plant growth. Before planting, incorporate a slow-release fertiliser into the soil to ensure a steady supply of nutrients throughout the growing season. As the plants grow, you can supplement with a liquid fertiliser every two to three weeks to promote vigorous growth. Avoid over fertilising, as this can lead to excessive foliage growth at the expense of broccoli head formation.


Mulching is an effective practice that helps maintain soil moisture, suppress weed growth, and regulate soil temperature. Applying a layer of organic mulch around your broccoli plants can significantly benefit their overall health. Organic mulch, such as straw or shredded leaves, not only conserves moisture but also adds organic matter to the soil as it breaks down. Spread the mulch around the base of the plants, leaving a small gap around the stem to prevent rotting.

Pest and Disease Control

Protecting your broccoli plants from pests and diseases is crucial to ensure a successful harvest. Common pests that can affect broccoli include aphids, cabbage worms, and flea beetles. To control pests, you can use organic methods such as handpicking, spraying with insecticidal soap, or introducing beneficial insects like ladybugs or lacewings. Regularly inspect your plants for any signs of pest infestation and take appropriate action promptly.

In terms of disease control, broccoli plants are susceptible to various fungal and bacterial diseases. To prevent disease, it's important to practise good garden hygiene by removing any diseased plant material and ensuring proper air circulation between plants. Crop rotation is also beneficial, as it helps disrupt disease cycles. If necessary, you can apply organic fungicides or bactericides as a preventive measure.

Companion Plants for Broccoli 

Companion planting involves the strategic placement of different plants near each other to enhance growth, improve pest control, and increase overall productivity. When it comes to broccoli, there are several companion plants that can be beneficial. Here are some examples:

  • Lettuce: Lettuce is a great companion for broccoli because it has shallow roots that won't compete with the deeper root system of broccoli. Additionally, lettuce can provide shade to the soil, helping to retain moisture and keep the soil cool.
  • Spinach: Similar to lettuce, spinach has shallow roots and can provide shade to the soil. It also attracts beneficial insects that can help control pests that might attack broccoli.
  • Onions and Garlic: These strong-smelling alliums can deter pests and confuse them with their pungent odour. They can be planted near broccoli to keep away pests like aphids, cabbage worms, and onion flies.
  • Dill: Dill attracts beneficial insects like wasps and ladybugs that prey on garden pests. Planting dill near broccoli can help control caterpillars and other harmful insects.
  • Celery: Celery can act as a natural barrier plant for broccoli, helping to keep pests away. Its aroma can deter some insects, making it a useful companion.

Be sure to check out our grow guides for a full list of fruits, vegetables and herbs for your garden.  

Harvesting and Storing Broccoli

Knowing When to Harvest

Knowing when to harvest your broccoli is crucial to ensure that you enjoy the best taste and texture from your home-grown bounty. When the broccoli heads are firm and tight, and the individual florets are still compact and green, it's time to harvest. Waiting too long can result in the florets becoming loose and the heads flowering, which can make the broccoli taste bitter.

To determine if your broccoli is ready for harvest, gently press your thumb against one of the florets. If it leaves an indentation, the heads are still developing and need more time to mature. On the other hand, if the floret feels firm and resists your touch, it's a sign that your broccoli is ready to be harvested. Another indicator is the colour of the florets — they should be uniformly green without any signs of yellowing.

Harvesting Techniques

When it comes to harvesting broccoli, it's important to use the correct techniques to ensure you don't damage the plant and encourage further growth. To harvest broccoli, use a sharp knife or garden shears to cut the main head at the base of the stem, just above the first set of leaves. Make sure to cut at a slight angle to prevent water from pooling on the cut surface, which can lead to rot.

After harvesting the main head, smaller side shoots will often develop, which can be harvested as well. These side shoots are just as tasty as the main head and can extend your broccoli harvest. To harvest the side shoots, simply cut them off at the base of the stem using the same technique as with the main head.

Storing Broccoli

Once you've harvested your broccoli, it's important to store it properly to maintain its freshness and flavour. To store broccoli, wrap the heads in a damp paper towel or place them in a perforated plastic bag. This helps to retain moisture without causing the broccoli to become soggy.

For optimal storage, place the wrapped or bagged broccoli heads in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator. Broccoli can stay fresh for up to a week when stored properly. However, it's best to consume it as soon as possible to enjoy its peak flavour and nutritional value.

If you have an excess of broccoli that you can't consume within a week, you can also freeze it for later use. To freeze broccoli, blanch the florets in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then immediately transfer them to an ice bath to stop the cooking process. Once the florets are cooled, drain them and place them in airtight freezer bags or containers. Frozen broccoli can be stored for up to a year.

Now that you have mastered the art of growing and harvesting broccoli, it's time to reap the rewards of your hard work. Whether you enjoy it steamed, roasted, stir-fried, or added to your favourite dishes, homegrown broccoli is a delicious and nutritious addition to any meal. Happy harvesting!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take for broccoli to grow?

The time it takes for broccoli to grow depends on several factors, including the variety of broccoli and the growing conditions. On average, it takes broccoli plants about 60 to 100 days to reach maturity from the time of planting. This can vary slightly depending on the specific variety you choose and the climate in your region.

Can broccoli be grown in containers?

Yes, broccoli can be successfully grown in containers, making it a versatile option for gardeners with limited space. When growing broccoli in containers, it's important to choose a container that is at least 12 inches deep to allow for proper root development. Additionally, select a container that has good drainage to prevent waterlogged soil. Broccoli plants require full sun, so place your containers in a location that receives at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight each day. Regular watering and fertilising are essential for container-grown broccoli to thrive.

What are common pests and diseases that affect broccoli?

Broccoli plants can be susceptible to various pests and diseases, but with proper care and preventative measures, you can minimise the risk. Common pests that may affect broccoli include aphids, cabbage worms, flea beetles, and slugs. These pests can be controlled through organic methods such as handpicking, using insecticidal soap, or introducing beneficial insects like ladybugs. As for diseases, clubroot, blackleg, and downy mildew are some of the most common ones that can affect broccoli. To prevent diseases, make sure to practise crop rotation, provide adequate air circulation, and maintain proper watering practices. If you notice any signs of pests or diseases, take immediate action to prevent further damage to your broccoli plants.

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