How To Grow Marrow in Australia

Quick Guide: Growing Marrow

  • Optimal Growing Temperatures: Between 20°C and 35°C.
  • Ready to Harvest: 12-17 weeks after planting.
  • Space Between Plants: Plant 90-120 cm apart.
  • Companion Plants: Peas, Beans, Onions
  • Non-Companion Plants: Potatoes
  • Plant Type: Seed.

When to Plant Marrow in Australia

Australia Map


Best planting months for Marrow in the Tropical regions are April to August. This includes areas like Cairns, Darwin, and Broome.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


For the Subtropical region, Marrow can be planted from January to February and August to December. Cities in the Subtropical region include Brisbane, Central Coast, and Sydney.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


Marrow can be planted from January to February and September to December in the Temperate regions of Australia. Cities in the Temperate region include Melbourne, Adelaide, Geelong, and Perth.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


For the Cool region, Marrow can be planted from September to April to December. Cities in the Cool region include alpine regions of Victoria and Tasmania.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


Best planting months for Marrow in the Arid region is January to February and September to December.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Getting Started with Marrow Cultivation

If you're an organic gardener in Australia and want to try your hand at growing marrow, you're in for a treat. Cultivating marrow in your own backyard can be a rewarding experience. In this section, I'll guide you through the process of getting started with marrow cultivation, including choosing the right variety and creating ideal growing conditions.

Choosing the Right Variety of Marrow

When it comes to choosing the variety of marrow to grow, there are several options available. Some popular varieties in Australia include the Long Green Marrow, Fordhook Zucchini, and Black Beauty Zucchini. Each variety has its own unique characteristics, such as size, shape, and flavour.

To select the right variety for your garden, consider factors such as your climate, available space, and personal preferences. It's also helpful to consult with local nurseries or experienced gardeners to get recommendations on varieties that thrive in your specific region. For more information on choosing the right variety of marrow, check out our article on how to grow luffa in Australia.



Long Green Marrow

Long, slender fruits with a mild flavour.

Fordhook Zucchini

Dark green fruits with a rich flavour.

Black Beauty Zucchini

Glossy black-green fruits with a nutty flavour.

Ideal Growing Conditions for Marrow

Marrow plants thrive in warm and sunny conditions, so choosing a location in your garden that receives at least six hours of direct sunlight per day is important. The soil should be well-draining and rich in organic matter.

Before planting, prepare the soil by removing any weeds, rocks, or debris. Incorporate organic compost or well-rotted manure into the soil to improve its fertility and structure. This will provide the necessary nutrients for the marrow plants to grow and thrive.

If you're unsure about the pH level of your soil, consider conducting a soil test. Marrow plants prefer slightly acidic to neutral soil, with a pH range between 6.0 and 7.0. Adjust the pH level if necessary by adding lime to raise the pH or sulfur to lower it. For more information on soil preparation techniques, refer to our article on how to grow cape gooseberry in Australia.

By choosing the right variety of marrow and creating ideal growing conditions, you'll be well on your way to a successful harvest. In the next section, we'll explore the process of preparing the soil for marrow cultivation, including soil type, pH requirements, and soil preparation techniques.

Preparing the Soil for Marrow

To ensure the successful growth and development of marrow plants, proper soil preparation is essential. In this section, we will discuss the soil type, pH requirements for growing marrow, and the techniques for preparing the soil.

Soil Type and pH Requirements

Marrow plants thrive in well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. They prefer a slightly acidic to neutral pH level ranging from 6.0 to 7.0. It is important to test the soil pH before planting to ensure the optimal conditions for your marrow plants. You can easily find soil testing kits at garden centres or consult with a local agricultural extension office for assistance.

Soil Preparation Techniques

To prepare the soil for growing marrow, follow these steps:

  1. Clear the area: Start by removing any weeds or vegetation from the designated planting area. This helps prevent competition for nutrients and resources.
  2. Loosen the soil: Use a garden fork or a tiller to loosen the soil to a depth of around 12 inches (30 cm). This improves soil aeration and drainage, allowing the roots to grow freely.
  3. Incorporate organic matter: Enrich the soil with organic matter such as compost, well-rotted manure, or leaf mould. This helps improve soil structure, adds essential nutrients, and enhances moisture retention.
  4. Mix in amendments: If the soil pH is outside the recommended range, you can adjust it by incorporating amendments. For example, adding agricultural lime can help raise the pH if the soil is too acidic. Conversely, sulfur or peat moss can be added to lower the pH if the soil is too alkaline.
  5. Level and smooth: After incorporating organic matter and amendments, level the soil surface and remove any large clumps or debris. This creates a uniform planting bed for your marrow seeds or seedlings.

For more detailed information on soil preparation techniques and general tips for growing vegetables and herbs, check out our articles on how to grow luffa in Australia and how to grow cape gooseberry in Australia.

Following these soil preparation techniques will create an optimal growing environment for your marrow plants. Regularly monitor the soil moisture levels, provide adequate irrigation, and maintain proper plant nutrition throughout the growing season. With a little care and attention, you'll soon enjoy a bountiful harvest of delicious marrows from your backyard.

Sowing Marrow Seeds

When growing marrow in Australia, sowing the seeds at the right time and providing proper care to the seedlings are essential for a successful harvest. Let's look at when to sow marrow seeds and how to ensure their healthy growth through proper seedling care and transplanting.

When to Sow Marrow Seeds

Marrow seeds should be sown when the weather conditions are favourable for their germination and growth. In Australia, the best time to sow marrow seeds is during spring or early summer, when the soil temperature is consistently above 15°C (59°F). This ensures optimal conditions for germination and the subsequent growth of the seedlings.

Before sowing the seeds, it's important to prepare the soil by ensuring it is well-drained, fertile, and free from weeds. If you need guidance on preparing the soil, refer to our article on how to grow luffa in Australia for helpful tips.

Proper Seedling Care and Transplanting

Once the marrow seeds have germinated and the seedlings have developed their first set of true leaves, they are ready to be transplanted into their final growing positions. Before transplanting, it's important to harden off the seedlings by gradually exposing them to outdoor conditions over a period of 7-10 days. This helps them acclimate to the changes in temperature and reduce the risk of transplant shock.

When transplanting the seedlings, space them properly, allowing enough room for their vines to spread. Each plant should ideally be spaced around 90-120 cm (36-48 inches) apart to ensure adequate airflow and sunlight penetration. This helps prevent the development of fungal diseases and promotes healthier growth.

After transplanting, feed the seedlings regularly and ensure they receive at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day. Water the plants deeply, but be careful not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot. Regularly monitor the soil moisture levels and adjust your watering schedule accordingly.

Following these guidelines for sowing marrow seeds and providing proper seedling care, you can set your plants up for healthy growth and a bountiful harvest. For more information on growing other vegetables and herbs in Australia, check out our article on how to grow cape gooseberry in Australia.

Remember to refer to the specific instructions on the seed packet for any additional recommendations or requirements for the particular variety of marrow you are growing. Happy gardening!

Caring for Marrow Plants

Proper care and attention are crucial to ensure your marrow plants' successful growth. This section will explore the essential aspects of watering and irrigation, fertilising marrow plants, and managing pests and diseases.

Watering and Irrigation

Marrow plants require consistent moisture to thrive, especially during the warmer months. Proper watering is essential to support healthy growth and prevent issues such as blossom end rot. Regular watering is necessary, but it's essential to strike a balance and avoid overwatering, which can lead to root rot.

Here are some watering tips for your marrow plants:

  • Water deeply: Ensure the soil is moistened to a depth of at least 6 inches during each watering session. This encourages profound root growth and helps the plants withstand dry spells.
  • Avoid overhead watering: To minimise the risk of fungal diseases, it is best to water the plants at the base. Drip irrigation or a soaker hose can effectively deliver water directly to the roots.
  • Watering frequency: Watering will vary depending on factors such as weather conditions and soil moisture levels. Monitor the soil regularly and adjust your watering schedule accordingly.

Fertilising Marrow Plants

Proper fertilisation provides the necessary nutrients for healthy growth and abundant harvests. Marrow plants benefit from a balanced fertiliser that contains nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (N-P-K). Additionally, incorporating organic matter into the soil before planting can help improve its fertility.

Consider the following fertilisation practices for your marrow plants:

  • Initial fertilisation: Incorporate well-rotted compost or aged manure into the soil before planting. This helps enrich the soil and provides a slow-release source of plant nutrients.
  • Regular feeding: As the plants grow, they will benefit from additional feedings throughout the growing season. Apply a balanced fertiliser according to the manufacturer's instructions, typically every 3-4 weeks.
  • Avoid excessive nitrogen: While nitrogen is essential for plant growth, overapplication can lead to excessive foliage development at the expense of fruit production. Follow the recommended dosage to maintain a healthy balance.

Managing Pests and Diseases

Marrow plants are susceptible to various pests and diseases that can hinder their growth and productivity. Regular monitoring and prompt action are key to preventing and managing these issues.

Here are some tips to help you manage pests and diseases:

  • Identify common pests: Be on the lookout for pests such as aphids, squash bugs, and cucumber beetles. Regularly inspect your plants for any signs of infestation, including discoloured leaves, holes, or sticky residue.
  • Implement organic pest control methods: Consider using organic pest control methods such as handpicking, introducing beneficial insects, or applying insecticidal soap when necessary. Avoid using chemical pesticides that may harm beneficial insects and pollinators.
  • Prevent fungal diseases: To prevent fungal diseases, ensure adequate airflow around the plants by spacing them appropriately. Avoid overhead watering and apply a layer of mulch around the base of the plants to minimise soil splashing.

By providing proper care in terms of watering, fertilising, and pest management, you can help your marrow plants thrive and produce a bountiful harvest. 

Harvesting and Storing Marrow

Once your marrow plants have matured and are ready for harvest, it's important to know the signs of readiness, the proper harvesting techniques, and how to store your harvested marrow for longevity.

Signs of Marrow Readiness

Determining when your marrow is ready for harvest is crucial to ensure optimal flavour and texture. Look for the following signs to gauge the readiness of your marrow:

  1. Size: Marrow should reach a mature size before harvesting. Depending on the variety, this is typically when the fruit is around 8 to 12 inches long. Refer to the specific recommendations for the variety of marrow you are growing.
  2. Colour: The skin of mature marrow should have a vibrant, glossy appearance. It may be a dark green or yellowish hue, depending on the variety.
  3. Texture: Run your fingers over the skin of the marrow. It should feel firm and hard, indicating that it has reached maturity.

Keep in mind that overripe marrow can become tough and lose its flavor, so it's important not to wait too long before harvesting.

Proper Harvesting Techniques

To harvest your marrow, follow these proper techniques:

  1. Use a sharp knife or pruners: Cut the stem of the marrow about 1 to 2 inches above the fruit. Be careful not to damage the plant or nearby vines during the process.
  2. Handle with care: Marrow can be delicate, so handle it gently to avoid any bruising or damage.
  3. Remove foliage: Trim off any leaves or tendrils attached to the fruit, as they can cause moisture buildup and lead to rot during storage.

Storing Marrow for Longevity

To maximise the shelf life of your harvested marrow, proper storage is essential. Here are some tips for storing your marrow:

  1. Cool, dry place: Store your marrow in a cool, dry location with good ventilation. A pantry or root cellar is ideal for this purpose.
  2. Avoid direct sunlight: Keep the marrow away from direct sunlight, as exposure to light can cause it to deteriorate faster.
  3. Check regularly: Inspect your stored marrow regularly for any signs of decay or spoilage. Remove any damaged fruits promptly to prevent the spread of rot.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your homegrown marrow remains fresh and flavorful for an extended period.

Growing your own marrow can be a rewarding experience. From sowing the seeds to nurturing the plants and finally harvesting and storing, each step contributes to the satisfaction of enjoying your own homegrown produce. For further information on growing other vegetables and herbs in Australia, check out our other growing guides in A-Z Growing Guides!

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